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ICSE Topper's Secret tips for class 10 students

It is definitely one of the most important and the first major examination of every school-going children. It is also very commonly termed as ‘’the biggest exam of any student life ’.So if you are presently buried under a heap of books, trying to get as much information as possible, proceed but with caution. There have been quite a few instances when our children have maximized their results and let us now discuss some Secret tips for class 10 students on topping their ICSE. Let us see what the Toppers of ICSE school have to say about the preparation.

What Helps?

Albert Einstein once said that 1 % of success is always Inspiration and 99% of it is Perspiration. Firstly you must know that you can reach nowhere or expect a great result, opting for a shortcut. There is really no shortcut to good results and so you need to perspire from as early as possible besides a consistent study schedule is also something that matters the most.  Your perspiration must begin from long ago and sudden success only happens in the movies.

What makes you a Topper?

  • Start Early: Starting early is the right ingredient to success and it provides you an edge over other significant competitors. There is actually no success after late realization.  Start early and make sure your progress is trending
  • Planning: If planning was never part of your plan, your progress sees very fewer chances to reach its successful top. One of the main qualities of a topper is proper planning and execution of the prepared plan. It doesn’t matter if the plan is within you or on paper, its existence is what matters the most.
  • Time Maintenance: He who knows and plans their time shall walk the righteous path to success. Make sure that you’re each second, minute; an hour is well planned for best use. Each passing second is an opportunity to do something better for the society
  •  Self-discipline: Every single person wanting to be that topper needs to act discipline. There is no one but you who can make sure that the self-discipline stays intact as if you cannot stay fit. Though it may be monotonous at first with time your discipline shall show you the golden route to a successful result.
  • Clear doubts: There must be not a single confusion or doubts regarding your materials of study. Take time to solve queries before the last moments so that there are no changes to adjust to in the last dying seconds. Indulge yourself in concepts and invest time in its methodology. Doubts are a part of the learning process; let it come in but make sure it’s handled or cleared well.
  • Testing your preparation regularly: There must always be room for self-analysis and improvement. It is quite important to self improve and that too, regularly. A regular analysis is what helps you analyze if you are on the right track to a successful result. Test yourself regularly and keep track.
  • Time simulation: You must know the meaning of passing seconds and must have quite a few times of time management practices, for complete preparation. Your success depends upon your proper allotment of the allotted time and so it is a must for all toppers.
  • Body Health: There is a famous saying that an unhealthy body cannot hold a clear-thinking mind. It is a must for you to have restricted and nutritional diet so that the negativity is never allowed inside you. Sleep is always helpful and depriving your body of it can be disheartening.

Some Quick Secret Tips for Your Exams:

  • Try and be 100% focused and it s advised to stay away from anything that distracts you
  • Put away from the laptop and social media. They are the best source of distraction
  • It’s time to make a realistic timetable and frequent study sessions that shall keep you attached to your notes
  • Don’t just focus on one subject; it is advisable and smart to distribute time among other subjects as well.

These are the secret tips which can lead you towards a successful examination session. It takes a lot of sacrifices to be an influential ICSE Topper


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