Attention Strategies in The Classroom to Get Your Students Attention

Attention Strategies in The Classroom to Get Your Students’ Attention


You enter the classroom and find that the students are in a mess. A group of chaotic students even forget to wish you “Good Morning”. It also becomes difficult to get your student`s attention to start your day’s lesson.

Yes with the increasing use of smartphones and other gadgets we fall into the category of a distracted generation. And today’s students are no exception.

Here are 10 attention strategies to get your students attention:

Use Teaching Learning Material on a Regular Basis

Often your boring teaching method is responsible for a disorganized classroom. Suppose you are holding the study material and reading at a stretch without making an attempt to engage the students. It’s very likely that your students will engage in their own activities without following your teaching. A full-proof teaching plan with relevant material is the key to effective teaching.

Change the Intensity of Your Voice

 By changing the tone of your voice you can transform the noisy into a calm and quiet one. Fluctuate your volume according to the situations. Your students will be managed more easily.

Wear your personality up your sleeve

Have you heard of teachers who get all the attentions of the pupils without trying too hard to grab it? Research done on successful teachers shows that all of them have a magnetic personality that manifests in securing 100% of pupils’ attention. Be it your way of teaching with relevant stories at each interval or your sense of humour it’s your job to manage the class. Your personality will determine the atmosphere of the classroom.

Learn When to Listen To Your Students and When Not

It’s very likely that students are trying to cross-check your knowledge with irrelevant questions in order to harass you. You must be smart enough to comprehend which query of them should be entertained and answered promptly and which one should be ignored. If a question necessitates an answer then go smoothly. Whatever you do you must put in the efforts to develop not just your area of knowledge but your emotional intelligence too.

Make Your Presentation Clear

You know how a clearly defined topic helps the students of your class get your teaching more effectively? Use different means of teaching to make it more enticing to your students.

Divvy Up One Big Unit into Several Small Units

In an attempt to grasp the concept of a full-length chapter the pupils often fall prey to boredom and boredom leads to disinterest in studies. Never make them learn the entire chapter in a single day. Learning about small portions with precision results in better grades in the exams.

Know Your Topic Inside Out

Before you walk into the classroom, make sure you are well versed in the new lesson you are going to teach. Your confidence, while you are teaching, will leave no room for the students to doubt your skillset and as you have always seen that confidence is infectious.

Be a Kid with Them

Although it is not widely practiced in our country, but it is worth engaging yourself with the activities the young minds are doing.  How else you can peep into their brain without being a student again? Understanding is the key to eliminate any disorder in the class. Yes, off course you must never confuse friendliness with indiscipline.

Engage the Students

Make them read the text, instruct them to express their own views, leave your position for a while, seat at a student’s seat and tell them to teach a portion. You will be amazed to experience a change quite quickly. Start a contest in the class. You might be surprised at how well students can be managed with this simple trick.

Last but not the least

Be A Little Humorous

Entering your classroom with a grumpy face will never be taken by your students in a positive manner. Smile, be humours but never be oblivious of being disciplined.

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